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[ home ] [ font examples ] [ font database ] [ contributions ] [ FIGlet man page ] [ FAQ ] [ FIGstory ]

 _____ _____ _____ __      __       _____ _____ _____  
|   __|     |   __|  |____|  |_    |   __|  _  |     | This FIGlet FAQ is 
|   __|-   -|  |  |  | - _|   _|   |   __|     |  |  | posted once a month
|__|  |_____|_____|__|____|__|     |__|  |__|__|__  _| on figlet@figlet.org
  info@figlet.org        http://www.figlet.org/   |__|   [FIGlet FAQ v0.91]

The latest version of FIGlet is 2.2.5 and can be downloaded from

1  What is FIGlet? 
2  Where can I get FIGlet from?
3  Where can I get more fonts for FIGlet?
4  How can I contribute?
5  Where does the name FIGlet come from?


1.  What is FIGlet? 
   FIGlet is a program for making large letters out of ordinary text
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2.  Where can I get FIGlet from?
    From the official FIGlet website at http://www.figlet.org/
    or from the FIGlet FTP site at ftp://ftp.figlet.org/pub/figlet/
3.  Where can I get more fonts for FIGlet?
    From the FTP site at ftp://ftp.figlet.org/pub/figlet/fonts/
    There are currently over 400 fonts available for download
4.  How can I contribute?
    To contribute new fonts, software or information, please contact 
    us at info@figlet.org

5. Where does the name FIGlet come from?
   "Frank, Ian and Glen's letters"

= FAQ Maintainer ==========================================================
Christiaan Keet                keet@plig.net                      July 2005 

Contact us at info@figlet.org
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